Another year nearly gone and we will be saying, 'where did it all go'?
I think the important question to ask ourselves is, "what did I do with my year'?
I'm not keen on new year resolutions or whether 2010 was a good, bad or indifferent year. For me it was a year of trying to live the christian life, doing the best for my Church, hoping my husband skills are as they should be.
I've laughed, cried, grieved, despaired, rejoiced.....just life!
As a member of the so called baby boomers I become 65 in 2011. It's quite amazing I'm still around when I consider the kind of life I lived in my 20s. Many of my friends felt I would never make 30 with the way I was living. BUT then along came Jesus and offered me real life.
How grateful am I? More than I can say
Have a blessed and successful 2011
Friday, 31 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Thought I'd go straight in with a new post after my previous rant, even though I think it justified.
It is thought Jesus was born in August or September, but we stole a pagan festival held on 25 December and use it to remember the birth of Christ.
I find it interesting that the Bible does not tell us to to celebrate His birth or to do anything special regarding it.
Maybe it's because the New Testament concentrates on Jesus as a man, giving priority to His ministry and sacrifice on the cross.
However if Jesus was not born of a virgin then our salvation is of little value. We could no longer call Him the sinless, spotless lamb of God
But, Good News, He was born of a virgin, took our sins upon Himself and gave us the opportunity to become children of God.
Now that is GOOD NEWS
It is thought Jesus was born in August or September, but we stole a pagan festival held on 25 December and use it to remember the birth of Christ.
I find it interesting that the Bible does not tell us to to celebrate His birth or to do anything special regarding it.
Maybe it's because the New Testament concentrates on Jesus as a man, giving priority to His ministry and sacrifice on the cross.
However if Jesus was not born of a virgin then our salvation is of little value. We could no longer call Him the sinless, spotless lamb of God
But, Good News, He was born of a virgin, took our sins upon Himself and gave us the opportunity to become children of God.
Now that is GOOD NEWS
It's been a while since I've blogged, so must start doing it again.
So, here goes; Shall it be the snow or not getting the world cup for 2018 or perhaps the cricket in Australia?
I'd like to talk about this countries inability to discern right from wrong, good from bad and to be able to speak forthrightly without fear of being accused of some kind of 'ism'
I'm fed up with weak thinking and speaking just to appease some supposed 'do-gooder' who is unwilling to acknowledge right from wrong.
I was amused looking at the Post Office website today explaining that the reason for having no mail for three days was the weather AND that the Postman's welfare was the most important thing. I wish no harm on our Posties, but I was such a one many years ago and I don't recall anyone worrying about my welfare when I trudged round in the snow.
We are a country that has lost its 'soul' Christianity is a poor second to Islam or even 'wicca' which is now an accepted religion.
The late Mary Whitehouse told a Christian meeting many years ago, "the reason we have no moral compass is your fault, because you have done nothing"
So, here goes; Shall it be the snow or not getting the world cup for 2018 or perhaps the cricket in Australia?
I'd like to talk about this countries inability to discern right from wrong, good from bad and to be able to speak forthrightly without fear of being accused of some kind of 'ism'
I'm fed up with weak thinking and speaking just to appease some supposed 'do-gooder' who is unwilling to acknowledge right from wrong.
I was amused looking at the Post Office website today explaining that the reason for having no mail for three days was the weather AND that the Postman's welfare was the most important thing. I wish no harm on our Posties, but I was such a one many years ago and I don't recall anyone worrying about my welfare when I trudged round in the snow.
We are a country that has lost its 'soul' Christianity is a poor second to Islam or even 'wicca' which is now an accepted religion.
The late Mary Whitehouse told a Christian meeting many years ago, "the reason we have no moral compass is your fault, because you have done nothing"
Sunday, 19 September 2010
I've been following the Pope's visit to the UK ,listening to his sermons, and preparing myself to pick holes in what he was saying.
Whilst my evangelical theology has great problems with much of the Catholic teaching, I have to say that I think his time over here has been very worthwhile.
The challenge to our politicians not to push the Christian view away was so needed in this time of extreme secularism. The encouragement to young people to live a good life and follow the way of God was refreshing in our post modern' world.
I trust that us Evangelicals who are so certain of our doctrine and way of worshipping will be willing to stand up and challenge the demise of the truth of God's world in our country.
Whilst my evangelical theology has great problems with much of the Catholic teaching, I have to say that I think his time over here has been very worthwhile.
The challenge to our politicians not to push the Christian view away was so needed in this time of extreme secularism. The encouragement to young people to live a good life and follow the way of God was refreshing in our post modern' world.
I trust that us Evangelicals who are so certain of our doctrine and way of worshipping will be willing to stand up and challenge the demise of the truth of God's world in our country.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Its been a while since I have found the time to do a blog, but back on board now!
I think the biggest question I keep asking myself these days is, why are so few people are coming to true faith in Christ. Having preached recently at our Church holiday and listened to two other excellent challenging messages, as well as some great singing I am at a loss to understand why the lost are not responding to the gospel message.
If I had been able to transport those messages and singing to say Africa or Asia, there would have been a rush to receive Christ.
I'm fearful to give my opinion of why spiritually the UK is dead in the water, however I will risk it and hope not too many people read this blog.
The answer simply, is the judgement of God. Lester Sumrall, a great man of God and now with the Lord told me many years ago that God was judging us because we had lost our first love. He said God has given you so much, and for many years you took it round the world, but now your heart has grown cold ( read Matthew 24 )
In the UK we are being bombarded with false doctrine, some from America and some home grown. Many good Christians are being taken in by teaching which seems right on the surface, but take a closer look and you will see that much of it is unbiblical and derived from new age teaching.
But, please don't give up, because God has not given up on us, and as we continue to pray, live right, do right we will see the Holy Spirit break into the hardness of heart that permeates our land, because Jesus is Lord
I think the biggest question I keep asking myself these days is, why are so few people are coming to true faith in Christ. Having preached recently at our Church holiday and listened to two other excellent challenging messages, as well as some great singing I am at a loss to understand why the lost are not responding to the gospel message.
If I had been able to transport those messages and singing to say Africa or Asia, there would have been a rush to receive Christ.
I'm fearful to give my opinion of why spiritually the UK is dead in the water, however I will risk it and hope not too many people read this blog.
The answer simply, is the judgement of God. Lester Sumrall, a great man of God and now with the Lord told me many years ago that God was judging us because we had lost our first love. He said God has given you so much, and for many years you took it round the world, but now your heart has grown cold ( read Matthew 24 )
In the UK we are being bombarded with false doctrine, some from America and some home grown. Many good Christians are being taken in by teaching which seems right on the surface, but take a closer look and you will see that much of it is unbiblical and derived from new age teaching.
But, please don't give up, because God has not given up on us, and as we continue to pray, live right, do right we will see the Holy Spirit break into the hardness of heart that permeates our land, because Jesus is Lord
Saturday, 24 July 2010
During the Welsh revival of 1904/5, 100,000 people became Christians, marriages were restored, pubs closed down, football and rugby matches cancelled for lack of patronage.
For us living in the 21st century it's hard to believe it really happened. Many Churches are happy to just survive, others are willing to try just about anything to get bums on seats.
Apparently, the worst thing we can do is to preach the Gospel, because it may cause offence and put people off coming to Church.
I would venture to suggest that if we don't start preaching the whole Gospel and bring some substance into our meetings, the day will come when the UK will truly be seen as a secular society.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Rome; "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to everyone who believes" This is what saves souls, not dumbing down the truth so as to make the way to salvation easy and cheap.
I am committed to leading a totally inclusive Church, but I am also totally committed to preaching the whole gospel.
For us living in the 21st century it's hard to believe it really happened. Many Churches are happy to just survive, others are willing to try just about anything to get bums on seats.
Apparently, the worst thing we can do is to preach the Gospel, because it may cause offence and put people off coming to Church.
I would venture to suggest that if we don't start preaching the whole Gospel and bring some substance into our meetings, the day will come when the UK will truly be seen as a secular society.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Rome; "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to everyone who believes" This is what saves souls, not dumbing down the truth so as to make the way to salvation easy and cheap.
I am committed to leading a totally inclusive Church, but I am also totally committed to preaching the whole gospel.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
I'm finding being 64 years old a strange thing, part of me is ready to go on and on as a full-time minister because I feel I still have a lot to offer, and yet there are moments when my own personal beach hut by the sea is very inviting.
The Apostle Paul wrote about wanting go and be with the Lord, but realised he was more needed down here on earth. Of course I don't put myself in his exalted bracket, however I do understand what he was saying.
I know a minister who is counting down the days on his calendar to his retirement. Doesn't seem to be the right attitude to me.
For me, I just want to be useful to the Lord and hopefully pass on some of the things I have learnt through the years, and I will carry on rejoicing always seeing the glass half full.
So, the beach hut will have to wait!!!
The Apostle Paul wrote about wanting go and be with the Lord, but realised he was more needed down here on earth. Of course I don't put myself in his exalted bracket, however I do understand what he was saying.
I know a minister who is counting down the days on his calendar to his retirement. Doesn't seem to be the right attitude to me.
For me, I just want to be useful to the Lord and hopefully pass on some of the things I have learnt through the years, and I will carry on rejoicing always seeing the glass half full.
So, the beach hut will have to wait!!!
Saturday, 26 June 2010
This time tomorrow many of us will be rejoicing at England beating Germany or being "as sick as a parrot" I love football a lot, but in reality neither it's not that important. Win or lose tomorrow football will carry on.
People are the most important thing in life, they are the thing that keeps us on this earth. You might think in dire moments how good it would be to live alone on a desert island, but I'm sure you would soon change your mind.
Sure, I know we can all be a dreadful pain at times, but God has created us as a relational people....we need one another!
Jesus was no party pooper, He loved to be amongst people, He fellowshipped with and ate with them, from the poorest to the richest.
So, no more sulkiness, unforgiveness or pity-parties from now on. Enjoy God's creation
Come On England!!
People are the most important thing in life, they are the thing that keeps us on this earth. You might think in dire moments how good it would be to live alone on a desert island, but I'm sure you would soon change your mind.
Sure, I know we can all be a dreadful pain at times, but God has created us as a relational people....we need one another!
Jesus was no party pooper, He loved to be amongst people, He fellowshipped with and ate with them, from the poorest to the richest.
So, no more sulkiness, unforgiveness or pity-parties from now on. Enjoy God's creation
Come On England!!
Friday, 11 June 2010
How great to see the World Cup finals in South Africa, the "Rainbow Nation" as Nelson Mandela named it.
It's difficult to believe how short a time ago that apartheid reigned and Mr Mandela was locked away on Robin Island. What a man he is, no anger, no unforgiveness, no desire for revenge, just the desire for equality for all South Africans.
South Africa proves yet again that there is always hope, however dire the circumstances may be today, tomorrow can be a better day!
The Greek word for hope is 'elpis,' and it means "to have a favourable confident expectation"
The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church in Rome writes that, "hope does not disappoint"
That of course means if your hope is in the Lord and not in self.
So, lets make a decision to never give up or lose hope, the best is yet to come.
It's difficult to believe how short a time ago that apartheid reigned and Mr Mandela was locked away on Robin Island. What a man he is, no anger, no unforgiveness, no desire for revenge, just the desire for equality for all South Africans.
South Africa proves yet again that there is always hope, however dire the circumstances may be today, tomorrow can be a better day!
The Greek word for hope is 'elpis,' and it means "to have a favourable confident expectation"
The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church in Rome writes that, "hope does not disappoint"
That of course means if your hope is in the Lord and not in self.
So, lets make a decision to never give up or lose hope, the best is yet to come.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
The Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonian Church talks about us being made up of, spirit, soul and body. The spirit being our spiritual side, the soul about our mind and emotions and the body our fleshly bits.
Many years ago I, with some other ministers were talking to a very famous American preacher of great repute and integrity. We asked him which part was the real us, expecting him to say, 'the spirit' because we are 'born again of the Spirit.' He replied without hesitation, 'the soul,' we said, "how so?" He said, "the real you is the one in the dark, the deep recesses of your soul"
The more I think about what he said, the more I understand how right he was. How easy it is to say something with our tongue and yet in our mind think very differently. This is of course hypocrisy and should not be so.
It is no wonder Paul Paul says, "be renewed in the spirit of youe mind" How can we do this?
I'm not going to tell you, let me know what you do.
Many years ago I, with some other ministers were talking to a very famous American preacher of great repute and integrity. We asked him which part was the real us, expecting him to say, 'the spirit' because we are 'born again of the Spirit.' He replied without hesitation, 'the soul,' we said, "how so?" He said, "the real you is the one in the dark, the deep recesses of your soul"
The more I think about what he said, the more I understand how right he was. How easy it is to say something with our tongue and yet in our mind think very differently. This is of course hypocrisy and should not be so.
It is no wonder Paul Paul says, "be renewed in the spirit of youe mind" How can we do this?
I'm not going to tell you, let me know what you do.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Just been watching DIY SOS on television. It's a program where a group of tradesmen and Nick Knowles renovate rooms for a family who have fallen upon hard times. Tonight it was Grandparents who care for their dead daughter's children. And although the professionals were being paid it was clear to see how moved they were when the Grandparents saw their new dining room. A few tears from me of course!
But, it is deeply rewarding when you see someone in real need being helped and knowing a blessing has come their way.
Luke in the Acts of the Apostles tells us that Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than receive."
One day when we stand before the Lord in Glory, I doubt He will ask us how much we got, it is much more likely to be, "how much did you give"? Perhaps He might ask a second question: "Did you give to those in need"?
Food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothing for the naked and shelter for the homeless
But, it is deeply rewarding when you see someone in real need being helped and knowing a blessing has come their way.
Luke in the Acts of the Apostles tells us that Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than receive."
One day when we stand before the Lord in Glory, I doubt He will ask us how much we got, it is much more likely to be, "how much did you give"? Perhaps He might ask a second question: "Did you give to those in need"?
Food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothing for the naked and shelter for the homeless
Thursday, 13 May 2010
I was speaking to a minister friend of mine the other day, very well known in certain circles as a Preacher of some merit. Having exchanged a number of the usual pleasantries, he said, "Oh, by the way I've started singing." Oh, really I replied somewhat mockingly, in the bath I suppose.
He began to tell me of how he had shared his desire to sing with a minister friend while in America. The friend said, "why not," found some music and said OK, sing. Well, to cut a long story short, he now sings before he preaches and as they say, 'brings the house down.'
I have heard him and must say, he is rather good.
Got anything you've always wanted to do, but been too frightened to give it a go? Maybe it's time you stepped out in faith. Jesus said to His disciples, "all the works I do, you shall do also, and even greater works than these." And do you know, they did!
He began to tell me of how he had shared his desire to sing with a minister friend while in America. The friend said, "why not," found some music and said OK, sing. Well, to cut a long story short, he now sings before he preaches and as they say, 'brings the house down.'
I have heard him and must say, he is rather good.
Got anything you've always wanted to do, but been too frightened to give it a go? Maybe it's time you stepped out in faith. Jesus said to His disciples, "all the works I do, you shall do also, and even greater works than these." And do you know, they did!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Well, General Election next Thursday, what drama!
I went to a meeting of the three main candidates recently, and one of them in my estimation was way ahead of the other two mainly because he seemed to have a grasp of what our country needs. The strange thing for me was that he represents the party that I would not normally vote for. In fact the candidate for my personal political sway was not impressive at all. What a dilemma! Answers on a postcard please!
On a more serious note us Christians are obliged to vote, why? To show how grateful we are to live in a democratic country. Think of all those places around the world where the only hope of democracy is by civil war.
Don't know who to vote for? Well you should
I went to a meeting of the three main candidates recently, and one of them in my estimation was way ahead of the other two mainly because he seemed to have a grasp of what our country needs. The strange thing for me was that he represents the party that I would not normally vote for. In fact the candidate for my personal political sway was not impressive at all. What a dilemma! Answers on a postcard please!
On a more serious note us Christians are obliged to vote, why? To show how grateful we are to live in a democratic country. Think of all those places around the world where the only hope of democracy is by civil war.
Don't know who to vote for? Well you should
Somebody called Kevin Welch wrote: "There'll be two dates on your tombstone. And all your friends will read them. But all that's going to matter is that little dash between them."
I love that verse John's Gospel when Jesus said, " A thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance " All you theological types know the Greek word for life is Zoe, literally life as God has it. It would appear from that verse that there are some people around who want to make sure you don't have too good of a time while on this earth. Sorry to say many of them are in the Church and often in the pulpit.
I came to faith in Jesus in 1973, prior to that I was a very bad boy, with bad habits, bad friends and a very bad preoccupation with making sure I fulfilled all my desires at any cost. Now, 37 years later, despite all the ups and downs of life, I am able to tell you, that Jesus is real, my best friend and I love Him.
I think it was Billy Sunday who said, "I have never gotten over the wonder of my salvation."
I love that verse John's Gospel when Jesus said, " A thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance " All you theological types know the Greek word for life is Zoe, literally life as God has it. It would appear from that verse that there are some people around who want to make sure you don't have too good of a time while on this earth. Sorry to say many of them are in the Church and often in the pulpit.
I came to faith in Jesus in 1973, prior to that I was a very bad boy, with bad habits, bad friends and a very bad preoccupation with making sure I fulfilled all my desires at any cost. Now, 37 years later, despite all the ups and downs of life, I am able to tell you, that Jesus is real, my best friend and I love Him.
I think it was Billy Sunday who said, "I have never gotten over the wonder of my salvation."
Friday, 23 April 2010
I had an email yesterday from a Christian organisation explaining how great it would be if we have an 'hung parliament,' in the forthcoming election, where no party has an overall majority. Their thinking was that unity is a strong biblical principle, and having the three main parties working together for the good of the country would be wonderful.
How can I put this without sounding condescending? The last time we had an 'hung parliament ' was in the 1970s with Harold Wilson at the helm, within a year we had another election, this produced yet another 'hung parliament' with Jim Callaghan. You have probably guessed the outcome of that one, a total flop!
I pray that one party will have an overall majority, especially if it's the one I plan to vote for!
But, here is something I am certain of, it's not Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrat, but it is the sovereign will of God. He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us, lavishes His grace upon us. He rules and reigns and you certainly can't vote for Him. He is the Lord.
How can I put this without sounding condescending? The last time we had an 'hung parliament ' was in the 1970s with Harold Wilson at the helm, within a year we had another election, this produced yet another 'hung parliament' with Jim Callaghan. You have probably guessed the outcome of that one, a total flop!
I pray that one party will have an overall majority, especially if it's the one I plan to vote for!
But, here is something I am certain of, it's not Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrat, but it is the sovereign will of God. He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us, lavishes His grace upon us. He rules and reigns and you certainly can't vote for Him. He is the Lord.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Well, the General election is , but they are from a Father coming up, so we have another 3weeks or so to the big day. Will Brown be outed? Will Cameron march into Downing Street? Or maybe Clegg have a say in an 'hung parliament?' Will it make any difference to you or I whoever wins?
We are blessed with democracy in this country, albeit with only two parties having any chance of winning. There are plenty of despots around the world, look at Robert Mugabe, his people have no say in how their country is run.
Somebody once said to me, "your God is a tyrant," I asked, "what do you mean?" I received a tirade of how God demands our obedience and if you don't, hell is your destnation. I can understand his thinking, flawed though it is. As believers God does make demands on our lives, that is clear, but these come from a Father who knows us and loves us and in whom we can trust. To the unbeliever God reaches out a hand of love and forgiveness through Christ with no strings attached. However there will come a judgement day.
In the General Election we choose who will serve us, but in Christianity we must choose who we serve
We are blessed with democracy in this country, albeit with only two parties having any chance of winning. There are plenty of despots around the world, look at Robert Mugabe, his people have no say in how their country is run.
Somebody once said to me, "your God is a tyrant," I asked, "what do you mean?" I received a tirade of how God demands our obedience and if you don't, hell is your destnation. I can understand his thinking, flawed though it is. As believers God does make demands on our lives, that is clear, but these come from a Father who knows us and loves us and in whom we can trust. To the unbeliever God reaches out a hand of love and forgiveness through Christ with no strings attached. However there will come a judgement day.
In the General Election we choose who will serve us, but in Christianity we must choose who we serve
Friday, 16 April 2010
Ringo Starr sang about, "when I'm 64" in the sixties, well I am now 64! I realise my bloggees can't believe that the young looking Norman Dix can be anywhere near 64 years old, but it is true.
I've got 6 more years to reach the stage that Alan Redpath used to call, "living in over-time."
Of course the reality is that my life and indeed death lies in the hand of God, and I'm very satisfied at the situation.
Frank Sinatra sang, "I did it my way," and that friends would be just about the worst thing you or I could do. The old Testament Prophet Jeremiah tells us that God has an individually tailored plan for each one of us, Jesus said He knows the number of hairs on our head.
In John's gospel Jesus said, "the thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life"
I'm im in my 38th year as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Has it been rich and satisfying?
You bet it has! Here's to the many years
I've got 6 more years to reach the stage that Alan Redpath used to call, "living in over-time."
Of course the reality is that my life and indeed death lies in the hand of God, and I'm very satisfied at the situation.
Frank Sinatra sang, "I did it my way," and that friends would be just about the worst thing you or I could do. The old Testament Prophet Jeremiah tells us that God has an individually tailored plan for each one of us, Jesus said He knows the number of hairs on our head.
In John's gospel Jesus said, "the thief's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life"
I'm im in my 38th year as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Has it been rich and satisfying?
You bet it has! Here's to the many years
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Caught a few minutes of the god channel the other day, the speaker was the daughter of a well known American preacher who I met many years ago. So I settled down to see what she was speaking about, the first sentence was, "God gives us want we want, not just what we need." Off she went, telling her audience that if you have enough faith you can get anything you want.
I will not ridicule this woman, but I have to say that this teaching is 'another gospel,' it bears no resemblance to the teaching of the Bible, however I'm sure many in the congregation she was speaking to and some of the TV audience were taken in.
The Bible tells us that we have the "mind of Christ," without coming over as facetious I do wish that some believers would start using their brain as well as their spirit. We must begin to study the Word and then the Holy Spirit will enlighten us.
I will not ridicule this woman, but I have to say that this teaching is 'another gospel,' it bears no resemblance to the teaching of the Bible, however I'm sure many in the congregation she was speaking to and some of the TV audience were taken in.
The Bible tells us that we have the "mind of Christ," without coming over as facetious I do wish that some believers would start using their brain as well as their spirit. We must begin to study the Word and then the Holy Spirit will enlighten us.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Interesting reading today in the newspaper about the Christian lady who lost her case regarding the wearing of a cross at work. She said it was part of her Christianity, the tribunal said, "not so"
Is this the persecution of a Christian and another nail in the coffin of our faith? I don't think so!
The day that the wearing or non wearing of a cross is the centrepiece of the faith is something to be feared.
Of course I feel for the lady and the importance she places on wearing a cross, but I hardly ever see a Christian wearing one, indeed it's the likes of Madonna who seem enjoy the adornment.
There is a serious amount of persecution happening against us Christians, but try reading your New Testament and there is persecution!
Lets not get hung up on what Jesus said we would get if we lived the Christian life. He also went on to say, "but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world for you"
Is this the persecution of a Christian and another nail in the coffin of our faith? I don't think so!
The day that the wearing or non wearing of a cross is the centrepiece of the faith is something to be feared.
Of course I feel for the lady and the importance she places on wearing a cross, but I hardly ever see a Christian wearing one, indeed it's the likes of Madonna who seem enjoy the adornment.
There is a serious amount of persecution happening against us Christians, but try reading your New Testament and there is persecution!
Lets not get hung up on what Jesus said we would get if we lived the Christian life. He also went on to say, "but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world for you"
Friday, 2 April 2010
Jesus died today, or at least this is the day us christians remember His death at Calvary. We can never know how He really suffered on that cruel cross and yet that was nothing compared to the separation He was going to have from the Father. What a heart rending cry he uttered when He cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsken me"? This was no cry of defeat, but of Christ's humanity showing the deep distress of His soul and yet knowing that this was not the end.
And yet I read today of how many 'new age' inspired Preachers are denying Christ substitutionary death. I am at a total loss to understand their thinking and more importantly their theology. The thinking of the day is, "lets dumb down the gospel and then people will come to Church." The lost need Jesus first, Church comes next.
Five young people being baptised on resurrection day. HALLELUJAH
And yet I read today of how many 'new age' inspired Preachers are denying Christ substitutionary death. I am at a total loss to understand their thinking and more importantly their theology. The thinking of the day is, "lets dumb down the gospel and then people will come to Church." The lost need Jesus first, Church comes next.
Five young people being baptised on resurrection day. HALLELUJAH
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
I listened to very moving account this morning on radio of a man explaining of the moment he 'came out' as a homosexual. He was a steel worker, working with men who were used to tough manual work, as he was. During a discussion about Elton John, the men were making unpleasant remarks about Elton's homosexuality and this chap blurted out that he too was homosexual. Complete silence ensued followed by terrible verbal abuse of this man that continued for the rest of the time he worked in the steel works. Eventually he left the job.
I fully understand what the Bible says about homosexuality and happily line myself up with its truth, however I also note the Bible condemns bitterness, wrath, evil speaking, selfish ambition, dissensions, envy, back-biting, shall I go on?
What a glorious truth we remember this Easter, that Jesus, the Son of God died for ALL, no exceptions, just ALL. I am proud to be a part of a church that does its best to be inclusive and still preaches the Bible in all its fullness.
The reality is that"God so loved the World that He gave us His Son"
I fully understand what the Bible says about homosexuality and happily line myself up with its truth, however I also note the Bible condemns bitterness, wrath, evil speaking, selfish ambition, dissensions, envy, back-biting, shall I go on?
What a glorious truth we remember this Easter, that Jesus, the Son of God died for ALL, no exceptions, just ALL. I am proud to be a part of a church that does its best to be inclusive and still preaches the Bible in all its fullness.
The reality is that"God so loved the World that He gave us His Son"
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Met a couple today who I had the great privilege of introducing to the Lord Jesus more than 20 years ago. They are active in one of our local churches and still thrilled to be 'saved.'
Their salvation just shows how wonderful the Lord is. I was doing a baptismal service in a friends church for a small group of folk who met in a home. After the baptism I just shared a few simple things from the word and began to pray, and as I started I felt the Lord say, "make an altar call." A man and a women who I had never met before put up their hand very gingerly and looked really frightened. Not wanting to embarrass them I said I will be in the vestry if anyone wanted to talk. A few minutes later in they came, both aged about 50 and clearly convicted by the Holy Spirit and to cut a long story short they were gloriously 'saved'
It was the famed Methodist preacher, Sangster who used to ask his flock two questions; One was, "when did you last lead someone to the Lord," the second was "when did you last try"?
You're right we must "walk the walk," but we must also remember to,"talk the talk."
Their salvation just shows how wonderful the Lord is. I was doing a baptismal service in a friends church for a small group of folk who met in a home. After the baptism I just shared a few simple things from the word and began to pray, and as I started I felt the Lord say, "make an altar call." A man and a women who I had never met before put up their hand very gingerly and looked really frightened. Not wanting to embarrass them I said I will be in the vestry if anyone wanted to talk. A few minutes later in they came, both aged about 50 and clearly convicted by the Holy Spirit and to cut a long story short they were gloriously 'saved'
It was the famed Methodist preacher, Sangster who used to ask his flock two questions; One was, "when did you last lead someone to the Lord," the second was "when did you last try"?
You're right we must "walk the walk," but we must also remember to,"talk the talk."
Sunday, 21 March 2010
There have been some awful revelations over the years regarding the physical and sexual abuse of children in care. This has been primarily in council run homes and those set up by the Roman Catholic Church.
The Pope has sent a letter to be read in Catholic Churches saying how sorry they are that these atrocities occurred. What has given me great concern was the mention of the harm it has done to the Catholic Church, but nothing about the damage to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I couldn't care less about the Church hierarchy and its tradition, which is often valued higher than the Bible and its glorious truth. But I do care about my Saviour and His name.
Canon law is seen by some of the established Church as higher than the law of the land, and the consequence is paedopliles are moved to another parish rather than dealing with the matter.
Of course the vast majority of those who work in children's homes are wonderful and caring, indeed my Father and his brother were brought up in a Spurgeon's home in Stockwell after their Father died when they were young.
Jesus honoured children, so must we.
The Pope has sent a letter to be read in Catholic Churches saying how sorry they are that these atrocities occurred. What has given me great concern was the mention of the harm it has done to the Catholic Church, but nothing about the damage to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I couldn't care less about the Church hierarchy and its tradition, which is often valued higher than the Bible and its glorious truth. But I do care about my Saviour and His name.
Canon law is seen by some of the established Church as higher than the law of the land, and the consequence is paedopliles are moved to another parish rather than dealing with the matter.
Of course the vast majority of those who work in children's homes are wonderful and caring, indeed my Father and his brother were brought up in a Spurgeon's home in Stockwell after their Father died when they were young.
Jesus honoured children, so must we.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Two more British soldiers were killed yesterday in Afghanistan. Hearing this tragic news this morning led me straight to prayer for the families of the dead, waking up this morning hoping it was just a dream, but knowing it is reality.
I am no pacifist, but this awful war in Afghanistan looks just like Vietnam all over again, unwinnable! Afghanistan knows nothing of democracy and does not have the infrastructure to maintain it. Chairman Mao said that power came through the barrel of a gun, and the Taliban would heartily agree with him.
My father was killed during the Korean war, called up as a reservist to fight at at a time when America saw a 'red' under every bed. The outcome of the war was a divided Korea.
Jesus said, "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God." The word, 'blessed' has two main meanings, one is referring to divine favour and the other simply means, 'happy.' "Happy are those who bring peace," I like that. I've spent more than 30 years of my life trying to bring peace, mainly to warring christians who would benefit from a kick up their 'rusty dusty.'
Maybe war is sometimes necessary, but how about you and me taking the words of Jesus seriously so that we may be known as peacemakers.
I am no pacifist, but this awful war in Afghanistan looks just like Vietnam all over again, unwinnable! Afghanistan knows nothing of democracy and does not have the infrastructure to maintain it. Chairman Mao said that power came through the barrel of a gun, and the Taliban would heartily agree with him.
My father was killed during the Korean war, called up as a reservist to fight at at a time when America saw a 'red' under every bed. The outcome of the war was a divided Korea.
Jesus said, "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God." The word, 'blessed' has two main meanings, one is referring to divine favour and the other simply means, 'happy.' "Happy are those who bring peace," I like that. I've spent more than 30 years of my life trying to bring peace, mainly to warring christians who would benefit from a kick up their 'rusty dusty.'
Maybe war is sometimes necessary, but how about you and me taking the words of Jesus seriously so that we may be known as peacemakers.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
I sat at the back of the London Palladium one Wednesday afternoon in 1988 with about a dozen other people listening to an aged Vicar sitting on a stool on the vast Palladium stage with the full lights on him.
Not what one might expect to see at such a famous theatre, I'm sure you're thinking, well, it's a strange story that involves a millionaire of whom I was acquainted. He spent £250,000 to have the Palladium for a week to preach the Gospel! I was asked to do a number of spots, but had refused for reasons that I won't bore you with.
Very few people turned up to listen to various preachers over that week, and as far as I was concerned it was a terrible waste of money that could have been used for some really good causes.
Back to the the aged Vicar; Oddly I still remember his last words to the tiny audience, "try to be a little nicer to one another," I think that is an Huxley quote. However, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live in if we did it don't you think?
It's wonderful to know of the agape love of God, but a far greater thing to do it. My wife came up to me this afternoon while I was watching the rugby and gave me a very warm hug, it seemed to say despite you watching that boring game, I love you.
Pretty Cool I say
Not what one might expect to see at such a famous theatre, I'm sure you're thinking, well, it's a strange story that involves a millionaire of whom I was acquainted. He spent £250,000 to have the Palladium for a week to preach the Gospel! I was asked to do a number of spots, but had refused for reasons that I won't bore you with.
Very few people turned up to listen to various preachers over that week, and as far as I was concerned it was a terrible waste of money that could have been used for some really good causes.
Back to the the aged Vicar; Oddly I still remember his last words to the tiny audience, "try to be a little nicer to one another," I think that is an Huxley quote. However, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live in if we did it don't you think?
It's wonderful to know of the agape love of God, but a far greater thing to do it. My wife came up to me this afternoon while I was watching the rugby and gave me a very warm hug, it seemed to say despite you watching that boring game, I love you.
Pretty Cool I say
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I read today of three Russian people, Mother, Father and Son who had applied for asylum in this country and were seemingly about to be rejected committed suicide by jumping out of a high window.
I hear and read of many nationals complaining of how they (immigrants) are taking our jobs and homes and should be sent home. My experience is that they are generally hard workers who are willing to do the jobs that many Brits won't.
We are a cosmopolitan community and all the better for it. I think the Thatcher era bought back this silly 'little england' kind of thinking, forgetting what a mixed bunch of Anglo Saxons we are.
Jesus not only loved the outcast but made sure He spent most of His time with them. No time for the Pharisees and the Saducees with all their rank hypocrisy.
I do wonder how comfortable Jesus would be in some of our Churches. Would He enjoy the middle class white starchiness of our Sunday services, the endless liturgy and dirgy singing?
Time to fling wide the doors of the Church and say, "you are ALL welcome.
I hear and read of many nationals complaining of how they (immigrants) are taking our jobs and homes and should be sent home. My experience is that they are generally hard workers who are willing to do the jobs that many Brits won't.
We are a cosmopolitan community and all the better for it. I think the Thatcher era bought back this silly 'little england' kind of thinking, forgetting what a mixed bunch of Anglo Saxons we are.
Jesus not only loved the outcast but made sure He spent most of His time with them. No time for the Pharisees and the Saducees with all their rank hypocrisy.
I do wonder how comfortable Jesus would be in some of our Churches. Would He enjoy the middle class white starchiness of our Sunday services, the endless liturgy and dirgy singing?
Time to fling wide the doors of the Church and say, "you are ALL welcome.
Monday, 8 March 2010
I'm sure you been reading about Jon Venables who was one of the 10 year old boys who killed Jamie Bulger in 1993. Apparently he has committed an offence that has caused him to be recalled to prison.
I listened to Jamie Bulger's Mother being interviewed today and my heart went out to her. All the horror of her son's terrible murder has returned to haunt her. What did concern me was her desire to be at Venable's trial, if indeed that's what happens.
Any bereathment counseller will tell you there has to come a time when the bereathed can move on and live a fulfilled life. If this doesn't happen bitterness and hate can so easily permeate your soul and life becomes an awful drudge.
I pray that Jamie's Mother will have the strength and resolve to live the rest of her life without bitterness and hate.
The whole of Christianity is based on forgiveness. Tough, when you and yours are hurt, but totally necessary for true freedom
I listened to Jamie Bulger's Mother being interviewed today and my heart went out to her. All the horror of her son's terrible murder has returned to haunt her. What did concern me was her desire to be at Venable's trial, if indeed that's what happens.
Any bereathment counseller will tell you there has to come a time when the bereathed can move on and live a fulfilled life. If this doesn't happen bitterness and hate can so easily permeate your soul and life becomes an awful drudge.
I pray that Jamie's Mother will have the strength and resolve to live the rest of her life without bitterness and hate.
The whole of Christianity is based on forgiveness. Tough, when you and yours are hurt, but totally necessary for true freedom
Sunday, 28 February 2010
When I was young and still at school I wanted to be anyone but me! Despite being good at football and cricket and playing for my school first team I wanted to be Bobby Charlton in the winter and Colin Cowdrey in the summer.
As I got older, left school and started work this feeling of wanting to be someone else continued to be a big part of my psyche. It seemed to me that just about everyone else had more,and were better than me.
In retrospect I suppose that's how I got involved in bad things, habits and people. The real you is someone to be avoided, so let's enter a world of make believe.
The red letter day for me was my introduction to Jesus! He didn't want to know about my past, indeed when I tried to explain my many indiscretions He told me He knew nothing of them and it was time for me to start living as Norman Dix. He came to make me understand that rather than being a failure I was 'cool.' He said read 2 Corinthians 5:17. I did, wow! 'A new creation, old things passed away and now all things new.'
Thirty seven years have now passed and thank God I am still Norman Dix and happy to be so.
As I got older, left school and started work this feeling of wanting to be someone else continued to be a big part of my psyche. It seemed to me that just about everyone else had more,and were better than me.
In retrospect I suppose that's how I got involved in bad things, habits and people. The real you is someone to be avoided, so let's enter a world of make believe.
The red letter day for me was my introduction to Jesus! He didn't want to know about my past, indeed when I tried to explain my many indiscretions He told me He knew nothing of them and it was time for me to start living as Norman Dix. He came to make me understand that rather than being a failure I was 'cool.' He said read 2 Corinthians 5:17. I did, wow! 'A new creation, old things passed away and now all things new.'
Thirty seven years have now passed and thank God I am still Norman Dix and happy to be so.
Monday, 22 February 2010
So, Gordon Brown allegedly bullyed some of his staff to the extent they rang the National Bullying Helpline for advice.
I hate bullying perhaps more than any other nasty personal vice. It is invariably done by those with serious problems, mainly insecurity.
I don't recall ever being bullyed or indeed being a bully to anyone. I saw plenty of it at school and on the streets, I have stopped my car more than once to try and rescue some little lad being given a hard time by a group of yobbo's.
In my days in secular work I invariably had a boss who was fair, encouraging, understanding and demanding! Making demands on others is good but must be tied in with fairness and good manners.
One of my bosses in Post Office days, I would and did go the extra mile anytime for him. He had all the attributes mentioned above. In a very masculine way I loved him.
As I got various promotions I realised that if I treated others as I wanted to be treated life became much more enjoyable.
In Ephesians 2:10 Paul writes, We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Good works, works that will honour Jesus, works that will enable your workmates and friends to see that you walk with the Lord.
I hate bullying perhaps more than any other nasty personal vice. It is invariably done by those with serious problems, mainly insecurity.
I don't recall ever being bullyed or indeed being a bully to anyone. I saw plenty of it at school and on the streets, I have stopped my car more than once to try and rescue some little lad being given a hard time by a group of yobbo's.
In my days in secular work I invariably had a boss who was fair, encouraging, understanding and demanding! Making demands on others is good but must be tied in with fairness and good manners.
One of my bosses in Post Office days, I would and did go the extra mile anytime for him. He had all the attributes mentioned above. In a very masculine way I loved him.
As I got various promotions I realised that if I treated others as I wanted to be treated life became much more enjoyable.
In Ephesians 2:10 Paul writes, We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Good works, works that will honour Jesus, works that will enable your workmates and friends to see that you walk with the Lord.
Friday, 19 February 2010
I was reading today that Elton John during an interview in America reckons that Jesus was a very good man and gay! Of course there are the other great theologians who say Jesus was married and had children. We must not forget the so called hymn, Jerusalem, that tells us Jesus walked on 'England's green and pleasant land.'
I take great comfort from this silly claptrap! We've had this for more than 2,000 years and still the Lord Jesus Christ is ;King of Kings and Lord of Lord's' Still sinners come to Him and find forgiveness and hope. Still the sick are healed and the lowly lifted up.
All around the world Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Christ and yet the Church continues to grow.
Nothing can stop the glorious gospel of Christ being preached and lived out, and one day Jesus is coming back for the redeemed. If that doesn't float your boat, you must have sunk!
You may have guessed I haven't preached for three weeks, so I thought I'd let rip here.
I take great comfort from this silly claptrap! We've had this for more than 2,000 years and still the Lord Jesus Christ is ;King of Kings and Lord of Lord's' Still sinners come to Him and find forgiveness and hope. Still the sick are healed and the lowly lifted up.
All around the world Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Christ and yet the Church continues to grow.
Nothing can stop the glorious gospel of Christ being preached and lived out, and one day Jesus is coming back for the redeemed. If that doesn't float your boat, you must have sunk!
You may have guessed I haven't preached for three weeks, so I thought I'd let rip here.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
It's fascinating to me how some arguments over the teaching of the Bible seem to last forever. Take for instance the faith versus works punch-up so beloved by some believers. I tried the 'social gospel' said one believer to a friend of mine who was excitedly telling of the 'good works' that his Church were doing, "but it didn't work." "Faith is all you need we hear from the pulpit, preach the gospel, works have never saved anyone".
In the book of James, we have an excellent scenario presented to us: "You say you have faith, I prove my faith by my works." Before you think of taking sides lets look at what Christian works are. For me they are simply doing works that are expressed because of your faith in Christ. They are not to boost your Christian ego or even to show you are obeying the word of God, although that is important. The 'Good Samaritan' acted out of compassion, he couldn't help himself, he didn't need prompting to do good.
No more arguments then please, if you are saved and Christ lives in you, you will do works that will bring glory to Him
In the book of James, we have an excellent scenario presented to us: "You say you have faith, I prove my faith by my works." Before you think of taking sides lets look at what Christian works are. For me they are simply doing works that are expressed because of your faith in Christ. They are not to boost your Christian ego or even to show you are obeying the word of God, although that is important. The 'Good Samaritan' acted out of compassion, he couldn't help himself, he didn't need prompting to do good.
No more arguments then please, if you are saved and Christ lives in you, you will do works that will bring glory to Him
Saturday, 13 February 2010
I expect rather like me the awful weather we have had since before Christmas has caused you to have a good moan. Add to that the financial problems our country has, the ever rising price of food and a million other things to complain about, well what a rotten life we have!
It is obvious to even the most insular of us that we live a lot better than most of the world, but is strikes me that many younger people have no idea how some of us who are approaching pensionable age have lived in the past. I have a minister friend who now lives abroad and is about my age. We would often share stories of living in a two-up and two-down council house with just an open fire in the lounge, no running hot water, outside toilet or double glazing.
I must add to this that my Mum never felt the need to lock the front door, the sense of community was wonderful and the whole road would join together on fireworks night and other special events.
I have found my Heavenly Father to be faithful and trustworthy in whatever state I have found myself in. The times when I was confused and even perplexed He has taken me to the place of His peace. Today I know I am in the right place, with the right Church, a flock who have shown themselves to be resilient and committed and with a vision worth dying for.
Am I thankful? You bet I am
It is obvious to even the most insular of us that we live a lot better than most of the world, but is strikes me that many younger people have no idea how some of us who are approaching pensionable age have lived in the past. I have a minister friend who now lives abroad and is about my age. We would often share stories of living in a two-up and two-down council house with just an open fire in the lounge, no running hot water, outside toilet or double glazing.
I must add to this that my Mum never felt the need to lock the front door, the sense of community was wonderful and the whole road would join together on fireworks night and other special events.
I have found my Heavenly Father to be faithful and trustworthy in whatever state I have found myself in. The times when I was confused and even perplexed He has taken me to the place of His peace. Today I know I am in the right place, with the right Church, a flock who have shown themselves to be resilient and committed and with a vision worth dying for.
Am I thankful? You bet I am
Friday, 12 February 2010
It would appear that the Methodist Church are ready be swallowed up by the Church of England. Sadly the Church that was founded on revival through John and Charles Wesley is losing large numbers of people and now feels the only answer is to return to the Church of England.
Many years ago the Presbyterians and the Congregationalist joined up and became the United Reformed Church. Has this been a success? If you base your answer on numerical growth the answer is a resounding no!
I would not dare to criticise any denomination or grouping ( well at least not publicly )
But I do know this, the Church must have LIFE, It doesn't matter whether its all liturgy, bells and smells or charismatic froth and bubble, as long as the Holy Spirit is given room to touch people's hearts and minds. We must allow Him back in to our Churches and revive us stade old Christians. That will rid us of insularity and defending our so called parish.
Jesus said, "behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.
Many years ago the Presbyterians and the Congregationalist joined up and became the United Reformed Church. Has this been a success? If you base your answer on numerical growth the answer is a resounding no!
I would not dare to criticise any denomination or grouping ( well at least not publicly )
But I do know this, the Church must have LIFE, It doesn't matter whether its all liturgy, bells and smells or charismatic froth and bubble, as long as the Holy Spirit is given room to touch people's hearts and minds. We must allow Him back in to our Churches and revive us stade old Christians. That will rid us of insularity and defending our so called parish.
Jesus said, "behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Like me you probably had a letter today from the NHS informing us that they are introducing an electronic 'summary care record.' This will contain all our important medical information. It will only be available to authorised healthcare staff.
Pretty good idea? On the face of it, yes, it makes sense, if you had an accident and needed an operation, the Doctor could quickly find out if you had any allergies or the like.
Having read 1984 and Animal Farm years ago and seen much of its contents come to pass, I do get concerned with how much information is kept on us. Much of it is of course vital, but its the people who get hold of it that concerns me. Whenever your car, building, or contents insurance are due floods of telephone calls, mail and e-mail arrive. Even Supermarkets watch what and how you spend.
I just wonder if I agree to have an electronic 'summary care record' how long it will be before other organisations are allowed to have a look.
I have no hang up on the 666 mark of the beast from the book of the Revelation, indeed Christians have been forced to have a 'mark' more than once over the past 2000 years. However I do feel we should value our freedom and carefully consider what we sign up for.
Jesus said the Father even knows the number of hairs on our head. That will do me thank you very much.
Pretty good idea? On the face of it, yes, it makes sense, if you had an accident and needed an operation, the Doctor could quickly find out if you had any allergies or the like.
Having read 1984 and Animal Farm years ago and seen much of its contents come to pass, I do get concerned with how much information is kept on us. Much of it is of course vital, but its the people who get hold of it that concerns me. Whenever your car, building, or contents insurance are due floods of telephone calls, mail and e-mail arrive. Even Supermarkets watch what and how you spend.
I just wonder if I agree to have an electronic 'summary care record' how long it will be before other organisations are allowed to have a look.
I have no hang up on the 666 mark of the beast from the book of the Revelation, indeed Christians have been forced to have a 'mark' more than once over the past 2000 years. However I do feel we should value our freedom and carefully consider what we sign up for.
Jesus said the Father even knows the number of hairs on our head. That will do me thank you very much.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Mikhail Bukunin, a contemporary of Karl Marx said, "people go to Church for the same reasons they go to a tavern, to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy."
Well, I don't know whether I'm the lucky one (sorry about the word lucky, but this is only a blog! ) but I rather enjoy Church, I find it uplifting, joyful, and friendly. Even the preaching is good and relevant. I 've got friends there that I truely love, and I don't mean the sloppy sort!
The Church that I go to is working hard to be inclusive, outlooking and caring. Even the young people seem to be having a good time, yes I did say a 'good time,' I know according to old misery Bukanin that we are there to "stupefy ourselves," but he's dead and I'm alive and I'm having a good time.
I'm sure you've already worked out that this Church I speak of is the Church that I have the privilege of being the Pastor, and maybe you suspect I'm biased towards it, and maybe you're right. But, may I ask you a question? Are you having an uplifting, and joyful life? Are you a part of a crowd that are inclusive, outlooking and caring? Have you got friends who will stick by you come what may?
It's great, all that, and Jesus too.
Well, I don't know whether I'm the lucky one (sorry about the word lucky, but this is only a blog! ) but I rather enjoy Church, I find it uplifting, joyful, and friendly. Even the preaching is good and relevant. I 've got friends there that I truely love, and I don't mean the sloppy sort!
The Church that I go to is working hard to be inclusive, outlooking and caring. Even the young people seem to be having a good time, yes I did say a 'good time,' I know according to old misery Bukanin that we are there to "stupefy ourselves," but he's dead and I'm alive and I'm having a good time.
I'm sure you've already worked out that this Church I speak of is the Church that I have the privilege of being the Pastor, and maybe you suspect I'm biased towards it, and maybe you're right. But, may I ask you a question? Are you having an uplifting, and joyful life? Are you a part of a crowd that are inclusive, outlooking and caring? Have you got friends who will stick by you come what may?
It's great, all that, and Jesus too.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
When Jesus said, "whoever is without sin, cast the first stone" He presented us with a great problem, namely that none of us are without sin. Logically it means you and I cannot throw stones at someone who has done wrong because we live in a 'glass house.'
So, what should our attitude be to the now ex England captain John Terry who has allegedly had numerous affairs during his marriage? Perhaps, "well but for the grace of God there go I," or maybe the other end of the scale and be like the media and look for even gorier details of his life?
It is worth noting that Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "go and sin no more." Jesus did not condemn the woman, however he did not condone what she had done.
It may be that John Terry may lose something far more valuable than the England captaincy. He has a wife and children, think of the trust that has been lost and how they must feel.
So, whether you are a football fan or not, please don't condemn or condone, just pray for all those involved.
So, what should our attitude be to the now ex England captain John Terry who has allegedly had numerous affairs during his marriage? Perhaps, "well but for the grace of God there go I," or maybe the other end of the scale and be like the media and look for even gorier details of his life?
It is worth noting that Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "go and sin no more." Jesus did not condemn the woman, however he did not condone what she had done.
It may be that John Terry may lose something far more valuable than the England captaincy. He has a wife and children, think of the trust that has been lost and how they must feel.
So, whether you are a football fan or not, please don't condemn or condone, just pray for all those involved.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Ever had one of those days where you wish you could start again? Yes, I'm sure you have.
Went to get diesel this morning with Rosemary, who volunteered to jump out and do the necessary. As she got out I said "put in the 95," well 95 is unleaded petrol and Rosemary started to fill up our diesel car, got to £6 and realised the mistake. She then filled it up with diesel. You can imagine how we felt, pretty stupid actually. Rang the garage expecting him to say bring it in and we will flush it out, however it would appear we should be ok and the diesel will dilute the petrol.
Did you ever see the film, groundhog day? Bill Murray's day just keeps repeating itself until he gets it right and tells the girl he loves her.
I think God is into groundhog day's, indeed I think He invented it. Got it wrong today? Said the wrong thing, done the wrong thing? Well, good news, tomorrow is another day and with it the opportunity to do better.
Isn't the Lord great? No condemnation or judgement, just the recommendation to get up and go on.
Went to get diesel this morning with Rosemary, who volunteered to jump out and do the necessary. As she got out I said "put in the 95," well 95 is unleaded petrol and Rosemary started to fill up our diesel car, got to £6 and realised the mistake. She then filled it up with diesel. You can imagine how we felt, pretty stupid actually. Rang the garage expecting him to say bring it in and we will flush it out, however it would appear we should be ok and the diesel will dilute the petrol.
Did you ever see the film, groundhog day? Bill Murray's day just keeps repeating itself until he gets it right and tells the girl he loves her.
I think God is into groundhog day's, indeed I think He invented it. Got it wrong today? Said the wrong thing, done the wrong thing? Well, good news, tomorrow is another day and with it the opportunity to do better.
Isn't the Lord great? No condemnation or judgement, just the recommendation to get up and go on.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
44 years ago the late John Lennon said the Beatles were more famous than Jesus and Christianity was on its way out. Some years later he sang, "imagine there was no religion."
So it is with some surprise that I can tell you that Ringo Starr says he has found God. Of course Ringo like the rest of the Beatles got heavily involved with the Maharishi Yogi, unfortunately all he did for them was to take a lot of money. But if dear old Ringo has found the Lord then we must rejoice and of course it means one more drummer for the heavenly band.
It is so easy to say, sure, but for how long? Or who will he follow tomorrow? My parents were convinced that I 'would get over it' and become the old Norman again. 37 years later and I'm far from 'over it.'
The Bible talks much about fruit and the need for every Christian to reveal their Christian faith by their lifestyle. Paul in his letter to the Church at Galatia contrast the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. James says my works( fruit ) prove my Christianity.
So, lets pray for Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr that he will live out the rest of his life following the one who has no interest in fame, but saves to the uttermost.
So it is with some surprise that I can tell you that Ringo Starr says he has found God. Of course Ringo like the rest of the Beatles got heavily involved with the Maharishi Yogi, unfortunately all he did for them was to take a lot of money. But if dear old Ringo has found the Lord then we must rejoice and of course it means one more drummer for the heavenly band.
It is so easy to say, sure, but for how long? Or who will he follow tomorrow? My parents were convinced that I 'would get over it' and become the old Norman again. 37 years later and I'm far from 'over it.'
The Bible talks much about fruit and the need for every Christian to reveal their Christian faith by their lifestyle. Paul in his letter to the Church at Galatia contrast the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. James says my works( fruit ) prove my Christianity.
So, lets pray for Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr that he will live out the rest of his life following the one who has no interest in fame, but saves to the uttermost.
Monday, 1 February 2010
There used to be a program on TV many years ago that involved four people all claiming to be the same person. The celebrity panel asked them questions to try and discover the real one. Finally the program host would say, "will the real.........step forward, audience gasp and there is the real......
One of the things that has bugged the church in this country has been Christians not accepting themselves as they are. Oliver Cromwell told the painter Lely to paint him just as he was, warts and all or he would not pay him a penny.
If Jesus waited till we all became perfect before He saved us, there would none of us going to heaven.
I wish I had a fiver for every time someone has said, "please don't tell anyone else." Of course often it is something to be kept as a secret and as a minister I am duty bound to do so.
However there is also a time and a place to unburden one self and drop that awful British 'stiff upper lip.' There is a time to 'let it all hang out,' a crude term I know, but I think you will understand what I mean.
Jesus said, "come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
How wonderful that is to know that Jesus will take our burdens and give us rest.
May I just add to that? We also need earthly christian friends, not acquaintances, real friends that we can open our heart to.
Mat the real.........please stand up
One of the things that has bugged the church in this country has been Christians not accepting themselves as they are. Oliver Cromwell told the painter Lely to paint him just as he was, warts and all or he would not pay him a penny.
If Jesus waited till we all became perfect before He saved us, there would none of us going to heaven.
I wish I had a fiver for every time someone has said, "please don't tell anyone else." Of course often it is something to be kept as a secret and as a minister I am duty bound to do so.
However there is also a time and a place to unburden one self and drop that awful British 'stiff upper lip.' There is a time to 'let it all hang out,' a crude term I know, but I think you will understand what I mean.
Jesus said, "come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
How wonderful that is to know that Jesus will take our burdens and give us rest.
May I just add to that? We also need earthly christian friends, not acquaintances, real friends that we can open our heart to.
Mat the real.........please stand up
Saturday, 30 January 2010
The American bandleader Duke Ellington once said, "Critics sometimes get a little carried away with what they think someone should have done, rather than concerning themselves with what they did."
We all know how awful destructive criticism can be, but trying to be constructive in one's criticism is no bad thing. Sometimes painful, but eventually helpful.
The worst criticism is the type that Ellington refers to in his quote. It works something like this,
"I have no desire to help you, nor get involved in what you are attempting to do, however I will tell you how you should do it and where you are going wrong."
Someone( can't remember who, said ) "Never take the advice of someone who has not had your kind of trouble." And for that's exactly the problem, there are some people I will always listen to because they've been there, they're doing it so to speak. Those who shout from the place of inactivity do not have to be listened to, indeed have no right to speak.
Jesus said," For every empty word you speak, you will give account on the day of judgement. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
It's taken me a long, long time to learn that there is a time to speak and most definitely a time to say nothing.
We all know how awful destructive criticism can be, but trying to be constructive in one's criticism is no bad thing. Sometimes painful, but eventually helpful.
The worst criticism is the type that Ellington refers to in his quote. It works something like this,
"I have no desire to help you, nor get involved in what you are attempting to do, however I will tell you how you should do it and where you are going wrong."
Someone( can't remember who, said ) "Never take the advice of someone who has not had your kind of trouble." And for that's exactly the problem, there are some people I will always listen to because they've been there, they're doing it so to speak. Those who shout from the place of inactivity do not have to be listened to, indeed have no right to speak.
Jesus said," For every empty word you speak, you will give account on the day of judgement. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
It's taken me a long, long time to learn that there is a time to speak and most definitely a time to say nothing.
Friday, 29 January 2010
I wonder if I will as I've been promising myself for a lot of years to write a book? Many years ago a christian publisher invited me to submit some stuff to him. I decided not to do it because of the subject matter I was expected to write about. More an expose than a proper book.
Have we all got a book in us, rather like it's said we all have one good sermon? I expect anyone reading this is wondering when they are going to hear my one good sermon!
But, seriously, I rather suspect very few of us have fully tapped into the possibilities that God has placed in us. I wonder if the shepherd boy ever imagined he would become King David or the uneducated fisherman would stand up on the day of Pentecost and preach with such anointing that 3,000 men would be 'saved.'
Is there something you've always wanted to do, to be, but left it on the back-burner for so long it hardly seems bothering about?
Sometimes we feel we must wait for the Lord to speak to us ten times before we feel we can make changes. Do you know God loves a trier, someone who says, "yeah, let's go"
Joshua was a trier, as soon as he became leader of the children of Israel he told them to prepare to take 'the promised land.' No discussion or forming of a committee, just action!
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Made to worship our creator, made to to do great exploits for His glory, made to lead the lost into the 'promised land' of the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Have we all got a book in us, rather like it's said we all have one good sermon? I expect anyone reading this is wondering when they are going to hear my one good sermon!
But, seriously, I rather suspect very few of us have fully tapped into the possibilities that God has placed in us. I wonder if the shepherd boy ever imagined he would become King David or the uneducated fisherman would stand up on the day of Pentecost and preach with such anointing that 3,000 men would be 'saved.'
Is there something you've always wanted to do, to be, but left it on the back-burner for so long it hardly seems bothering about?
Sometimes we feel we must wait for the Lord to speak to us ten times before we feel we can make changes. Do you know God loves a trier, someone who says, "yeah, let's go"
Joshua was a trier, as soon as he became leader of the children of Israel he told them to prepare to take 'the promised land.' No discussion or forming of a committee, just action!
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Made to worship our creator, made to to do great exploits for His glory, made to lead the lost into the 'promised land' of the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
How wonderful to see that girl pulled out of the rubble in Haiti after 15 days and apart from dehydration quite well.
What struck me was the dogged dedication of the French rescuers who refused to give up, and just kept on digging.
The late Roy Castle used to sing, "dedication is what you need," and boy, didn't those guy's show it?
There is a great verse in Nehemiah 4:10 where one of the builders of the wall says to Nehemiah,
"The strength of the labourers is failing, and there is much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall." At this point the wall was half finished, but as you know it did get finished to the glory of God.
What's the key to getting the job done? Get rid of the rubbish! The rescuers in Haiti had to get rid of all the debris before they could reach the girl.
Struggling to survive the Christian life? or even the secular life? Might be worth checking whether there is any rubbish to be cleared from your life.
I'm certainly going to get my spiritual shovel out. Might take some dedication!
What struck me was the dogged dedication of the French rescuers who refused to give up, and just kept on digging.
The late Roy Castle used to sing, "dedication is what you need," and boy, didn't those guy's show it?
There is a great verse in Nehemiah 4:10 where one of the builders of the wall says to Nehemiah,
"The strength of the labourers is failing, and there is much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall." At this point the wall was half finished, but as you know it did get finished to the glory of God.
What's the key to getting the job done? Get rid of the rubbish! The rescuers in Haiti had to get rid of all the debris before they could reach the girl.
Struggling to survive the Christian life? or even the secular life? Might be worth checking whether there is any rubbish to be cleared from your life.
I'm certainly going to get my spiritual shovel out. Might take some dedication!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
I reckon we are about 13 weeks from the next general election. I know some of you will shout at me, but I love them. All the great promises the politicians make if you vote for them always make me smile because we all know a politicians promise should be taken with the proverbial 'pinch of salt.' If the Tories win where I live we will have Jo Johnson, brother of Boris!
But, you know, despite our doubts about the veracity of politicians it is important we do our civic duty, even if you feel you're voting for the 'best of a bad lot.'
Truth is, that we are very blessed to live in a democratic country. Much of the world does not have that privilege.
We Christians need to seriously consider who we should vote for. Yes we should pray, but we also need to check out what they believe about vital issues that affect believers. There will be a hustings in due course where we will have the opportunty to get answers.
And once they are in Parliament we must do what Paul instructed Timothy to do, " pray for those in authority over you"
But, you know, despite our doubts about the veracity of politicians it is important we do our civic duty, even if you feel you're voting for the 'best of a bad lot.'
Truth is, that we are very blessed to live in a democratic country. Much of the world does not have that privilege.
We Christians need to seriously consider who we should vote for. Yes we should pray, but we also need to check out what they believe about vital issues that affect believers. There will be a hustings in due course where we will have the opportunty to get answers.
And once they are in Parliament we must do what Paul instructed Timothy to do, " pray for those in authority over you"
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was the greatest preacher of the 19th century. By his mid twenties he was preaching to 10,000 people, and even William Gladstone went to hear him. It was rumoured that Queen Victoria attended a service in disguise. He personally established 187 Baptist churches, founded a Pastors' College, later to be Spurgeon's Bible College. However he was far more than a preacher. At the 25th anniversary of his ministry in London an offering was taken for him, it amounted to £6,233-a great deal of money in the 19th century. Spurgeon was greatly moved, but responded by saying, 'not one farthing for me, it shall all be the Lord's'. It was all given to charity!
It won't surprise you when I tell you that that after he died in 1892 tens of thousands attended various memorial services around the country. 800 policemen were needed to line the route to Spurgeon's final resting place.
More than a preacher? You bet! He was a true man of God.
I hope I'll be remembered when I die, but please Lord let be for what I was and not what I preached.
It won't surprise you when I tell you that that after he died in 1892 tens of thousands attended various memorial services around the country. 800 policemen were needed to line the route to Spurgeon's final resting place.
More than a preacher? You bet! He was a true man of God.
I hope I'll be remembered when I die, but please Lord let be for what I was and not what I preached.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Have you noticed how the Haitian crisis is gradually slipping down the news agenda? It certainly hasn't been forgotten, however it is being given less and less media time. It's not surprising really when you consider how we often we go 'gung ho' for something and then within a short space of time it slips to the back of our mind. When the Gospels mention that Jesus had 'compassion,' Literally a 'pain in the gut,' He immediately took action. He fed the 5,000, healed the sick. Sympathy or even empathy do not necessarily denote action, but when compassion hits you've got to do something.
We live at a time in history when many people are looking for a 'shepherd' to guide them. Some read their 'stars,' others take drugs or join a political party. Many of us have come to know the' Great Shepherd' of the sheep. It's time to introduce this Shepherd to the lost.
We live at a time in history when many people are looking for a 'shepherd' to guide them. Some read their 'stars,' others take drugs or join a political party. Many of us have come to know the' Great Shepherd' of the sheep. It's time to introduce this Shepherd to the lost.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
I can't remember feeling so 'pumped up,' if you know what I mean. You've worked really hard at bringing something to pass, you know it's of the Lord and tomorrow is the 'big day.' But can I think of what to say? No! Totally blank! But, sometimes this is a great position to be in, because you then have to fully rely on the Holy Spirit. This is something that us Christians talk about a lot, but don't often do. Jesus said some fantastic things about the Holy Spirit. He would be in us forever, He would guide and lead us in to all truth. Jesus even said it was to our advantage that He returned to the Father so the the Holy Spirit could come.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Galatia and told them "to walk in the Spirit and then they would not fulfil the lusts of the flesh"
This fast decaying world needs Jesus desperately. The responsibility for this falls upon every "born again" believer. There will be no excuses for self-living or self-righteousness. We have been give the one "who is greater than he who is in the world"
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Galatia and told them "to walk in the Spirit and then they would not fulfil the lusts of the flesh"
This fast decaying world needs Jesus desperately. The responsibility for this falls upon every "born again" believer. There will be no excuses for self-living or self-righteousness. We have been give the one "who is greater than he who is in the world"
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Margot Mcdonald a member of the Scottish party is today introducing a bill which if it becomes Scottish law will allow 'assisted suicide' or euthanasia as we normally call it. It is worth mentioning that Margot is suffering from 'Parkinsons disease.'
I wish this subject was as 'black and white' as some seem to think. On one side are those who would say, "it's my life, and if I want to die what has it got to do with anyone else?" On the other side are those who believe that life is 'divine,' a gift, and not to be done away with.
As for me I'm totally commited to my Christian belief that God gave me life and at some point will take it back. But what about those who have no faith or the one's whose life has become intolerable because of terrible pain, or perhaps horribly disabled?
Please don't look to me for simple answers. Thirty five years ago I would have had no problem in giving you answers to all of life's difficulties, today, well, I've seen a lot more of life.
I was listening to my friend David last night talking about the compassion of Jesus and His concern that the people had no shepherd to lead them. There are so many voices speaking today, attempting to drive us in all kinds of crazy directions, may we hear His voice.
I wish this subject was as 'black and white' as some seem to think. On one side are those who would say, "it's my life, and if I want to die what has it got to do with anyone else?" On the other side are those who believe that life is 'divine,' a gift, and not to be done away with.
As for me I'm totally commited to my Christian belief that God gave me life and at some point will take it back. But what about those who have no faith or the one's whose life has become intolerable because of terrible pain, or perhaps horribly disabled?
Please don't look to me for simple answers. Thirty five years ago I would have had no problem in giving you answers to all of life's difficulties, today, well, I've seen a lot more of life.
I was listening to my friend David last night talking about the compassion of Jesus and His concern that the people had no shepherd to lead them. There are so many voices speaking today, attempting to drive us in all kinds of crazy directions, may we hear His voice.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Isn't popularity a fickle thing? Just a year ago Barack Obama was a hero in America, the first black President, young, full of fresh ideas. Today he has the lowest popularity rating ever for a President in his first year.
Of course it's nothing new, Jesus rode into Jerusalem with the crowd cheering and shouting out "Hosanna to the son of David." One week later they called for his crucifiction.
I expect most of us have pondered on what people really think of us. Are they just pretending to be complimentary about me? Were they really blessed by my sermon? Do they love me?
The Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Church at Corinth tells them he doesn't need a letter of commendation to visit them. He says you are my living letter. Through his ministry God had changed them.
You, my friends are God's living letter. " Christ in us the hope of glory"
The great truth is this; You are very popular with the Lord because of Jesus, and it will never change!
Of course it's nothing new, Jesus rode into Jerusalem with the crowd cheering and shouting out "Hosanna to the son of David." One week later they called for his crucifiction.
I expect most of us have pondered on what people really think of us. Are they just pretending to be complimentary about me? Were they really blessed by my sermon? Do they love me?
The Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Church at Corinth tells them he doesn't need a letter of commendation to visit them. He says you are my living letter. Through his ministry God had changed them.
You, my friends are God's living letter. " Christ in us the hope of glory"
The great truth is this; You are very popular with the Lord because of Jesus, and it will never change!
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Well, it's the end of an era! Cadbury's being taken over by Kraft, who if my memory serves me right are makers of horrible processed cheese. The original Cadbury family were Quakers, and they not only supplied jobs in the factory, but houses for their workers to live in. It truly was a family united around chocolate, and indeed Christian values.
Today of course the love of money is the god of the age. As the Beatles sang in the sixties, " give me money, that's what I want." "Greed is good" said Gordon Gecko as the fictional wizz kid in a film a few years ago. The Apostle Paul said, "the love of money is the root of many evils," I think I know which of those is best to follow.
We live in an age where people are not valued, just seen as an object to be used. We are just 'consumers,' with no time to stop and look at God's world and the wonder of His creation.
Must finish on an upbeat word! We will still be able to buy CADBURYS chocolate!
Today of course the love of money is the god of the age. As the Beatles sang in the sixties, " give me money, that's what I want." "Greed is good" said Gordon Gecko as the fictional wizz kid in a film a few years ago. The Apostle Paul said, "the love of money is the root of many evils," I think I know which of those is best to follow.
We live in an age where people are not valued, just seen as an object to be used. We are just 'consumers,' with no time to stop and look at God's world and the wonder of His creation.
Must finish on an upbeat word! We will still be able to buy CADBURYS chocolate!
Monday, 18 January 2010
What an awful tragedy has befallen Haiti. So many lives lost, so many futures destroyed and now the fear of civil war and disease.
I was so saddened to read that a famed American preacher and former Presidential candidate had reeled out the old right wing rhetoric, that God has poured out His wrath on a godless nation. I would like to say quite categorically that my God loves Haiti and most certainly did NOT cause this awful tragedy. Is He happy with the voodoo that is so prevalent there? No, of course not, but is He happy with yours and my secret sins?
God's love has no strings, no hidden clauses and is for all.
So, let's pray with fervency and faith, that Haiti will not only recover, but also come to faith in Jesus.
I was so saddened to read that a famed American preacher and former Presidential candidate had reeled out the old right wing rhetoric, that God has poured out His wrath on a godless nation. I would like to say quite categorically that my God loves Haiti and most certainly did NOT cause this awful tragedy. Is He happy with the voodoo that is so prevalent there? No, of course not, but is He happy with yours and my secret sins?
God's love has no strings, no hidden clauses and is for all.
So, let's pray with fervency and faith, that Haiti will not only recover, but also come to faith in Jesus.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
I had a tidy up of my study this morning. Quite shocked at the bits of paper with notes I don't even remember writing that I had accumulated. I know look at my nearly immaculate desk, everything in its proper place with all my bits and pieces to hand. Unfortunately in two or three weeks time it will be just as bad again.
Sometimes our christian life can be a bit like that; We read something in our Bible or a sermon reveals that parts of our life are messy, we repent and sort out the problem. Three weeks later and the mess is back! Do you remember the story Jesus told in Matthew 12:43-45 about unclean spirits leaving a man but then returning and making the situation even worse. The man was cleansed, but failed to fill the void with the things of God. So with us, When we repent of sin God forgives, however it is OUR responsibility to ask the Lord to come fill that void and be determined to walk in righteousness.
Now I must keep my study tidy!
Sometimes our christian life can be a bit like that; We read something in our Bible or a sermon reveals that parts of our life are messy, we repent and sort out the problem. Three weeks later and the mess is back! Do you remember the story Jesus told in Matthew 12:43-45 about unclean spirits leaving a man but then returning and making the situation even worse. The man was cleansed, but failed to fill the void with the things of God. So with us, When we repent of sin God forgives, however it is OUR responsibility to ask the Lord to come fill that void and be determined to walk in righteousness.
Now I must keep my study tidy!
Friday, 15 January 2010
The Apostle Paul said, "even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." This is written to those who follow Christ, and is a truth easily missed until you begin to 'feel your age.' For me these days are some of the most exciting of my christian life. Spiritually I think I'm in pretty good 'nick.' I enjoy my christian life as much as ever. I love the Church that I'm a part of and the people who attend. I'm sure you sense a 'but' and indeed there is one. The body is not what is once was, running up the escalator is a distant memory, the touch of arthritis in the knee, occasionally forgetting people's names and I could go on.
Here, friends is the great truth that the Apostle spoke of: Although our body does deteriorate, our inner man is day by day being energised by the Holy Spirit, and in Him we will never age. Bit dodgy on the outside, but brand new on the inside.
Here, friends is the great truth that the Apostle spoke of: Although our body does deteriorate, our inner man is day by day being energised by the Holy Spirit, and in Him we will never age. Bit dodgy on the outside, but brand new on the inside.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Money is the root of many evils wrote the Apostle Paul. In reality of course money is an inanimate object. It depends how you use it and your attitude to its importance in our individual lives. The somewhat self-righteous often say, "money means nothing to me." There stands a man or woman who clearly hasn't got a mortgage to pay or got children at home, nor in the case of a Christian wanting to bless their local Church. Of course money is important, however many are spending money they don't possess! Credit cards are great, providing you remember you have to pay back the money with interest if you don't clear the debt quickly.
Scripture tells us that believers "have the mind of Christ." In the consumerist society of our day may we live as we should.
Scripture tells us that believers "have the mind of Christ." In the consumerist society of our day may we live as we should.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
It's an obvious truth that none of us know what tomorrow will bring, however as a Christian I believe my future is in the hand of God. This of course presents a number of problems that us Christians don't always want to face. What do we say when a young believer dies suddenly of some terrible disease? David Brainerd was a missionary to what we used to call the 'Red Indians' in North America. He saw great spiritual revival, but died of tuberculosis in his 20s.
I would suggest that here is the heart of true faith in God and His providence. In Mark chapter 11 and verse 22 Jesus says to His disciples; " Have faith in God." A better literal meaning would be; "Have a faith which rests on God" We are not talking some kind of Christian 'fate' but a living, vital trust in the one who created us and can be trusted to keep us and finally take us 'home' to be with Him.
I would suggest that here is the heart of true faith in God and His providence. In Mark chapter 11 and verse 22 Jesus says to His disciples; " Have faith in God." A better literal meaning would be; "Have a faith which rests on God" We are not talking some kind of Christian 'fate' but a living, vital trust in the one who created us and can be trusted to keep us and finally take us 'home' to be with Him.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
You know, prayer, faith and answers are a strange trio. You pray and ask God for something, believe you will receive it and wow He answers in the affirmative. Now the strangest thing happens, fear raises it's ugly head. "Have I bitten off more than I can chew?" "Is God really going to do what I asked for?" It seems to me that God has a lot more grace than I have faith and that is clearly something to rejoice about.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Been to see the daughter I never had in hospital today, bless her!
I am amazed how poor real unity seems to be among church ministers these days. At a time when many churches are losing people there seems to be considerable complacency among those in full-time ministry. It seems to me that the laity are keen to fellowship with those of a different persuasion, unfortunately the 'clergy' are not quite so sure. Jesus 'high priestly' prayer of John chapter 17 is all about being "one." I pray that all of us may come to value the miracle of Divine Unity.
I am amazed how poor real unity seems to be among church ministers these days. At a time when many churches are losing people there seems to be considerable complacency among those in full-time ministry. It seems to me that the laity are keen to fellowship with those of a different persuasion, unfortunately the 'clergy' are not quite so sure. Jesus 'high priestly' prayer of John chapter 17 is all about being "one." I pray that all of us may come to value the miracle of Divine Unity.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Great morning at Church, worship was inspiring. Preached on problems, solutions anf opportunities. I always go home hoping that it has been helpful for those who attended.
It's a funny thing that the older I get the more concerned I become about the things I share. There is so much more I want to do before They take me away! I am comforted by the knowledge that many people have done their best work in the latter time of their life. Einstein accomplished much as an old man, not that I'm an Einstein.
It's a funny thing that the older I get the more concerned I become about the things I share. There is so much more I want to do before They take me away! I am comforted by the knowledge that many people have done their best work in the latter time of their life. Einstein accomplished much as an old man, not that I'm an Einstein.
Time to start blogging
Pastor Norman Dix is planning to start blogging. So I thought I would set it up for him. If I have done my job correctly this should be the first entry on the blog. If Norm does his job correctly there should be many more entries after this in due time.
Looking forward to seeing your contributions Norm.
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