Monday, 1 February 2010

There used to be a program on TV many years ago that involved four people all claiming to be the same person. The celebrity panel asked them questions to try and discover the real one. Finally the program host would say, "will the real.........step forward, audience gasp and there is the real......

One of the things that has bugged the church in this country has been Christians not accepting themselves as they are. Oliver Cromwell told the painter Lely to paint him just as he was, warts and all or he would not pay him a penny.

If Jesus waited till we all became perfect before He saved us, there would none of us going to heaven.

I wish I had a fiver for every time someone has said, "please don't tell anyone else." Of course often it is something to be kept as a secret and as a minister I am duty bound to do so.
However there is also a time and a place to unburden one self and drop that awful British 'stiff upper lip.' There is a time to 'let it all hang out,' a crude term I know, but I think you will understand what I mean.

Jesus said, "come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
How wonderful that is to know that Jesus will take our burdens and give us rest.

May I just add to that? We also need earthly christian friends, not acquaintances, real friends that we can open our heart to.

Mat the real.........please stand up

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