Monday, 31 May 2010

Just been watching DIY SOS on television. It's a program where a group of tradesmen and Nick Knowles renovate rooms for a family who have fallen upon hard times. Tonight it was Grandparents who care for their dead daughter's children. And although the professionals were being paid it was clear to see how moved they were when the Grandparents saw their new dining room. A few tears from me of course!

But, it is deeply rewarding when you see someone in real need being helped and knowing a blessing has come their way.

Luke in the Acts of the Apostles tells us that Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than receive."
One day when we stand before the Lord in Glory, I doubt He will ask us how much we got, it is much more likely to be, "how much did you give"? Perhaps He might ask a second question: "Did you give to those in need"?

Food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothing for the naked and shelter for the homeless

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