Sunday, 28 February 2010

When I was young and still at school I wanted to be anyone but me! Despite being good at football and cricket and playing for my school first team I wanted to be Bobby Charlton in the winter and Colin Cowdrey in the summer.

As I got older, left school and started work this feeling of wanting to be someone else continued to be a big part of my psyche. It seemed to me that just about everyone else had more,and were better than me.

In retrospect I suppose that's how I got involved in bad things, habits and people. The real you is someone to be avoided, so let's enter a world of make believe.

The red letter day for me was my introduction to Jesus! He didn't want to know about my past, indeed when I tried to explain my many indiscretions He told me He knew nothing of them and it was time for me to start living as Norman Dix. He came to make me understand that rather than being a failure I was 'cool.' He said read 2 Corinthians 5:17. I did, wow! 'A new creation, old things passed away and now all things new.'

Thirty seven years have now passed and thank God I am still Norman Dix and happy to be so.

Monday, 22 February 2010

So, Gordon Brown allegedly bullyed some of his staff to the extent they rang the National Bullying Helpline for advice.

I hate bullying perhaps more than any other nasty personal vice. It is invariably done by those with serious problems, mainly insecurity.

I don't recall ever being bullyed or indeed being a bully to anyone. I saw plenty of it at school and on the streets, I have stopped my car more than once to try and rescue some little lad being given a hard time by a group of yobbo's.

In my days in secular work I invariably had a boss who was fair, encouraging, understanding and demanding! Making demands on others is good but must be tied in with fairness and good manners.

One of my bosses in Post Office days, I would and did go the extra mile anytime for him. He had all the attributes mentioned above. In a very masculine way I loved him.

As I got various promotions I realised that if I treated others as I wanted to be treated life became much more enjoyable.

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul writes, We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Good works, works that will honour Jesus, works that will enable your workmates and friends to see that you walk with the Lord.

Friday, 19 February 2010

I was reading today that Elton John during an interview in America reckons that Jesus was a very good man and gay! Of course there are the other great theologians who say Jesus was married and had children. We must not forget the so called hymn, Jerusalem, that tells us Jesus walked on 'England's green and pleasant land.'

I take great comfort from this silly claptrap! We've had this for more than 2,000 years and still the Lord Jesus Christ is ;King of Kings and Lord of Lord's' Still sinners come to Him and find forgiveness and hope. Still the sick are healed and the lowly lifted up.

All around the world Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Christ and yet the Church continues to grow.

Nothing can stop the glorious gospel of Christ being preached and lived out, and one day Jesus is coming back for the redeemed. If that doesn't float your boat, you must have sunk!

You may have guessed I haven't preached for three weeks, so I thought I'd let rip here.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

It's fascinating to me how some arguments over the teaching of the Bible seem to last forever. Take for instance the faith versus works punch-up so beloved by some believers. I tried the 'social gospel' said one believer to a friend of mine who was excitedly telling of the 'good works' that his Church were doing, "but it didn't work." "Faith is all you need we hear from the pulpit, preach the gospel, works have never saved anyone".

In the book of James, we have an excellent scenario presented to us: "You say you have faith, I prove my faith by my works." Before you think of taking sides lets look at what Christian works are. For me they are simply doing works that are expressed because of your faith in Christ. They are not to boost your Christian ego or even to show you are obeying the word of God, although that is important. The 'Good Samaritan' acted out of compassion, he couldn't help himself, he didn't need prompting to do good.

No more arguments then please, if you are saved and Christ lives in you, you will do works that will bring glory to Him

Saturday, 13 February 2010

I expect rather like me the awful weather we have had since before Christmas has caused you to have a good moan. Add to that the financial problems our country has, the ever rising price of food and a million other things to complain about, well what a rotten life we have!

It is obvious to even the most insular of us that we live a lot better than most of the world, but is strikes me that many younger people have no idea how some of us who are approaching pensionable age have lived in the past. I have a minister friend who now lives abroad and is about my age. We would often share stories of living in a two-up and two-down council house with just an open fire in the lounge, no running hot water, outside toilet or double glazing.

I must add to this that my Mum never felt the need to lock the front door, the sense of community was wonderful and the whole road would join together on fireworks night and other special events.

I have found my Heavenly Father to be faithful and trustworthy in whatever state I have found myself in. The times when I was confused and even perplexed He has taken me to the place of His peace. Today I know I am in the right place, with the right Church, a flock who have shown themselves to be resilient and committed and with a vision worth dying for.

Am I thankful? You bet I am

Friday, 12 February 2010

It would appear that the Methodist Church are ready be swallowed up by the Church of England. Sadly the Church that was founded on revival through John and Charles Wesley is losing large numbers of people and now feels the only answer is to return to the Church of England.

Many years ago the Presbyterians and the Congregationalist joined up and became the United Reformed Church. Has this been a success? If you base your answer on numerical growth the answer is a resounding no!

I would not dare to criticise any denomination or grouping ( well at least not publicly )
But I do know this, the Church must have LIFE, It doesn't matter whether its all liturgy, bells and smells or charismatic froth and bubble, as long as the Holy Spirit is given room to touch people's hearts and minds. We must allow Him back in to our Churches and revive us stade old Christians. That will rid us of insularity and defending our so called parish.

Jesus said, "behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Like me you probably had a letter today from the NHS informing us that they are introducing an electronic 'summary care record.' This will contain all our important medical information. It will only be available to authorised healthcare staff.

Pretty good idea? On the face of it, yes, it makes sense, if you had an accident and needed an operation, the Doctor could quickly find out if you had any allergies or the like.

Having read 1984 and Animal Farm years ago and seen much of its contents come to pass, I do get concerned with how much information is kept on us. Much of it is of course vital, but its the people who get hold of it that concerns me. Whenever your car, building, or contents insurance are due floods of telephone calls, mail and e-mail arrive. Even Supermarkets watch what and how you spend.

I just wonder if I agree to have an electronic 'summary care record' how long it will be before other organisations are allowed to have a look.

I have no hang up on the 666 mark of the beast from the book of the Revelation, indeed Christians have been forced to have a 'mark' more than once over the past 2000 years. However I do feel we should value our freedom and carefully consider what we sign up for.

Jesus said the Father even knows the number of hairs on our head. That will do me thank you very much.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Mikhail Bukunin, a contemporary of Karl Marx said, "people go to Church for the same reasons they go to a tavern, to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy."

Well, I don't know whether I'm the lucky one (sorry about the word lucky, but this is only a blog! ) but I rather enjoy Church, I find it uplifting, joyful, and friendly. Even the preaching is good and relevant. I 've got friends there that I truely love, and I don't mean the sloppy sort!

The Church that I go to is working hard to be inclusive, outlooking and caring. Even the young people seem to be having a good time, yes I did say a 'good time,' I know according to old misery Bukanin that we are there to "stupefy ourselves," but he's dead and I'm alive and I'm having a good time.

I'm sure you've already worked out that this Church I speak of is the Church that I have the privilege of being the Pastor, and maybe you suspect I'm biased towards it, and maybe you're right. But, may I ask you a question? Are you having an uplifting, and joyful life? Are you a part of a crowd that are inclusive, outlooking and caring? Have you got friends who will stick by you come what may?

It's great, all that, and Jesus too.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

When Jesus said, "whoever is without sin, cast the first stone" He presented us with a great problem, namely that none of us are without sin. Logically it means you and I cannot throw stones at someone who has done wrong because we live in a 'glass house.'

So, what should our attitude be to the now ex England captain John Terry who has allegedly had numerous affairs during his marriage? Perhaps, "well but for the grace of God there go I," or maybe the other end of the scale and be like the media and look for even gorier details of his life?

It is worth noting that Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "go and sin no more." Jesus did not condemn the woman, however he did not condone what she had done.

It may be that John Terry may lose something far more valuable than the England captaincy. He has a wife and children, think of the trust that has been lost and how they must feel.

So, whether you are a football fan or not, please don't condemn or condone, just pray for all those involved.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Ever had one of those days where you wish you could start again? Yes, I'm sure you have.

Went to get diesel this morning with Rosemary, who volunteered to jump out and do the necessary. As she got out I said "put in the 95," well 95 is unleaded petrol and Rosemary started to fill up our diesel car, got to £6 and realised the mistake. She then filled it up with diesel. You can imagine how we felt, pretty stupid actually. Rang the garage expecting him to say bring it in and we will flush it out, however it would appear we should be ok and the diesel will dilute the petrol.

Did you ever see the film, groundhog day? Bill Murray's day just keeps repeating itself until he gets it right and tells the girl he loves her.

I think God is into groundhog day's, indeed I think He invented it. Got it wrong today? Said the wrong thing, done the wrong thing? Well, good news, tomorrow is another day and with it the opportunity to do better.

Isn't the Lord great? No condemnation or judgement, just the recommendation to get up and go on.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

44 years ago the late John Lennon said the Beatles were more famous than Jesus and Christianity was on its way out. Some years later he sang, "imagine there was no religion."

So it is with some surprise that I can tell you that Ringo Starr says he has found God. Of course Ringo like the rest of the Beatles got heavily involved with the Maharishi Yogi, unfortunately all he did for them was to take a lot of money. But if dear old Ringo has found the Lord then we must rejoice and of course it means one more drummer for the heavenly band.

It is so easy to say, sure, but for how long? Or who will he follow tomorrow? My parents were convinced that I 'would get over it' and become the old Norman again. 37 years later and I'm far from 'over it.'

The Bible talks much about fruit and the need for every Christian to reveal their Christian faith by their lifestyle. Paul in his letter to the Church at Galatia contrast the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. James says my works( fruit ) prove my Christianity.

So, lets pray for Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr that he will live out the rest of his life following the one who has no interest in fame, but saves to the uttermost.

Monday, 1 February 2010

There used to be a program on TV many years ago that involved four people all claiming to be the same person. The celebrity panel asked them questions to try and discover the real one. Finally the program host would say, "will the real.........step forward, audience gasp and there is the real......

One of the things that has bugged the church in this country has been Christians not accepting themselves as they are. Oliver Cromwell told the painter Lely to paint him just as he was, warts and all or he would not pay him a penny.

If Jesus waited till we all became perfect before He saved us, there would none of us going to heaven.

I wish I had a fiver for every time someone has said, "please don't tell anyone else." Of course often it is something to be kept as a secret and as a minister I am duty bound to do so.
However there is also a time and a place to unburden one self and drop that awful British 'stiff upper lip.' There is a time to 'let it all hang out,' a crude term I know, but I think you will understand what I mean.

Jesus said, "come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"
How wonderful that is to know that Jesus will take our burdens and give us rest.

May I just add to that? We also need earthly christian friends, not acquaintances, real friends that we can open our heart to.

Mat the real.........please stand up