Saturday, 30 January 2010

The American bandleader Duke Ellington once said, "Critics sometimes get a little carried away with what they think someone should have done, rather than concerning themselves with what they did."

We all know how awful destructive criticism can be, but trying to be constructive in one's criticism is no bad thing. Sometimes painful, but eventually helpful.

The worst criticism is the type that Ellington refers to in his quote. It works something like this,
"I have no desire to help you, nor get involved in what you are attempting to do, however I will tell you how you should do it and where you are going wrong."

Someone( can't remember who, said ) "Never take the advice of someone who has not had your kind of trouble." And for that's exactly the problem, there are some people I will always listen to because they've been there, they're doing it so to speak. Those who shout from the place of inactivity do not have to be listened to, indeed have no right to speak.

Jesus said," For every empty word you speak, you will give account on the day of judgement. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

It's taken me a long, long time to learn that there is a time to speak and most definitely a time to say nothing.

Friday, 29 January 2010

I wonder if I will as I've been promising myself for a lot of years to write a book? Many years ago a christian publisher invited me to submit some stuff to him. I decided not to do it because of the subject matter I was expected to write about. More an expose than a proper book.

Have we all got a book in us, rather like it's said we all have one good sermon? I expect anyone reading this is wondering when they are going to hear my one good sermon!

But, seriously, I rather suspect very few of us have fully tapped into the possibilities that God has placed in us. I wonder if the shepherd boy ever imagined he would become King David or the uneducated fisherman would stand up on the day of Pentecost and preach with such anointing that 3,000 men would be 'saved.'

Is there something you've always wanted to do, to be, but left it on the back-burner for so long it hardly seems bothering about?

Sometimes we feel we must wait for the Lord to speak to us ten times before we feel we can make changes. Do you know God loves a trier, someone who says, "yeah, let's go"
Joshua was a trier, as soon as he became leader of the children of Israel he told them to prepare to take 'the promised land.' No discussion or forming of a committee, just action!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Made to worship our creator, made to to do great exploits for His glory, made to lead the lost into the 'promised land' of the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

How wonderful to see that girl pulled out of the rubble in Haiti after 15 days and apart from dehydration quite well.
What struck me was the dogged dedication of the French rescuers who refused to give up, and just kept on digging.

The late Roy Castle used to sing, "dedication is what you need," and boy, didn't those guy's show it?

There is a great verse in Nehemiah 4:10 where one of the builders of the wall says to Nehemiah,
"The strength of the labourers is failing, and there is much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall." At this point the wall was half finished, but as you know it did get finished to the glory of God.

What's the key to getting the job done? Get rid of the rubbish! The rescuers in Haiti had to get rid of all the debris before they could reach the girl.

Struggling to survive the Christian life? or even the secular life? Might be worth checking whether there is any rubbish to be cleared from your life.

I'm certainly going to get my spiritual shovel out. Might take some dedication!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

I reckon we are about 13 weeks from the next general election. I know some of you will shout at me, but I love them. All the great promises the politicians make if you vote for them always make me smile because we all know a politicians promise should be taken with the proverbial 'pinch of salt.' If the Tories win where I live we will have Jo Johnson, brother of Boris!
But, you know, despite our doubts about the veracity of politicians it is important we do our civic duty, even if you feel you're voting for the 'best of a bad lot.'
Truth is, that we are very blessed to live in a democratic country. Much of the world does not have that privilege.

We Christians need to seriously consider who we should vote for. Yes we should pray, but we also need to check out what they believe about vital issues that affect believers. There will be a hustings in due course where we will have the opportunty to get answers.
And once they are in Parliament we must do what Paul instructed Timothy to do, " pray for those in authority over you"

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was the greatest preacher of the 19th century. By his mid twenties he was preaching to 10,000 people, and even William Gladstone went to hear him. It was rumoured that Queen Victoria attended a service in disguise. He personally established 187 Baptist churches, founded a Pastors' College, later to be Spurgeon's Bible College. However he was far more than a preacher. At the 25th anniversary of his ministry in London an offering was taken for him, it amounted to £6,233-a great deal of money in the 19th century. Spurgeon was greatly moved, but responded by saying, 'not one farthing for me, it shall all be the Lord's'. It was all given to charity!
It won't surprise you when I tell you that that after he died in 1892 tens of thousands attended various memorial services around the country. 800 policemen were needed to line the route to Spurgeon's final resting place.
More than a preacher? You bet! He was a true man of God.
I hope I'll be remembered when I die, but please Lord let be for what I was and not what I preached.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Have you noticed how the Haitian crisis is gradually slipping down the news agenda? It certainly hasn't been forgotten, however it is being given less and less media time. It's not surprising really when you consider how we often we go 'gung ho' for something and then within a short space of time it slips to the back of our mind. When the Gospels mention that Jesus had 'compassion,' Literally a 'pain in the gut,' He immediately took action. He fed the 5,000, healed the sick. Sympathy or even empathy do not necessarily denote action, but when compassion hits you've got to do something.
We live at a time in history when many people are looking for a 'shepherd' to guide them. Some read their 'stars,' others take drugs or join a political party. Many of us have come to know the' Great Shepherd' of the sheep. It's time to introduce this Shepherd to the lost.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

I can't remember feeling so 'pumped up,' if you know what I mean. You've worked really hard at bringing something to pass, you know it's of the Lord and tomorrow is the 'big day.' But can I think of what to say? No! Totally blank! But, sometimes this is a great position to be in, because you then have to fully rely on the Holy Spirit. This is something that us Christians talk about a lot, but don't often do. Jesus said some fantastic things about the Holy Spirit. He would be in us forever, He would guide and lead us in to all truth. Jesus even said it was to our advantage that He returned to the Father so the the Holy Spirit could come.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Galatia and told them "to walk in the Spirit and then they would not fulfil the lusts of the flesh"
This fast decaying world needs Jesus desperately. The responsibility for this falls upon every "born again" believer. There will be no excuses for self-living or self-righteousness. We have been give the one "who is greater than he who is in the world"

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Margot Mcdonald a member of the Scottish party is today introducing a bill which if it becomes Scottish law will allow 'assisted suicide' or euthanasia as we normally call it. It is worth mentioning that Margot is suffering from 'Parkinsons disease.'
I wish this subject was as 'black and white' as some seem to think. On one side are those who would say, "it's my life, and if I want to die what has it got to do with anyone else?" On the other side are those who believe that life is 'divine,' a gift, and not to be done away with.
As for me I'm totally commited to my Christian belief that God gave me life and at some point will take it back. But what about those who have no faith or the one's whose life has become intolerable because of terrible pain, or perhaps horribly disabled?
Please don't look to me for simple answers. Thirty five years ago I would have had no problem in giving you answers to all of life's difficulties, today, well, I've seen a lot more of life.
I was listening to my friend David last night talking about the compassion of Jesus and His concern that the people had no shepherd to lead them. There are so many voices speaking today, attempting to drive us in all kinds of crazy directions, may we hear His voice.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Isn't popularity a fickle thing? Just a year ago Barack Obama was a hero in America, the first black President, young, full of fresh ideas. Today he has the lowest popularity rating ever for a President in his first year.
Of course it's nothing new, Jesus rode into Jerusalem with the crowd cheering and shouting out "Hosanna to the son of David." One week later they called for his crucifiction.
I expect most of us have pondered on what people really think of us. Are they just pretending to be complimentary about me? Were they really blessed by my sermon? Do they love me?
The Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Church at Corinth tells them he doesn't need a letter of commendation to visit them. He says you are my living letter. Through his ministry God had changed them.
You, my friends are God's living letter. " Christ in us the hope of glory"
The great truth is this; You are very popular with the Lord because of Jesus, and it will never change!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Well, it's the end of an era! Cadbury's being taken over by Kraft, who if my memory serves me right are makers of horrible processed cheese. The original Cadbury family were Quakers, and they not only supplied jobs in the factory, but houses for their workers to live in. It truly was a family united around chocolate, and indeed Christian values.
Today of course the love of money is the god of the age. As the Beatles sang in the sixties, " give me money, that's what I want." "Greed is good" said Gordon Gecko as the fictional wizz kid in a film a few years ago. The Apostle Paul said, "the love of money is the root of many evils," I think I know which of those is best to follow.
We live in an age where people are not valued, just seen as an object to be used. We are just 'consumers,' with no time to stop and look at God's world and the wonder of His creation.
Must finish on an upbeat word! We will still be able to buy CADBURYS chocolate!

Monday, 18 January 2010

What an awful tragedy has befallen Haiti. So many lives lost, so many futures destroyed and now the fear of civil war and disease.
I was so saddened to read that a famed American preacher and former Presidential candidate had reeled out the old right wing rhetoric, that God has poured out His wrath on a godless nation. I would like to say quite categorically that my God loves Haiti and most certainly did NOT cause this awful tragedy. Is He happy with the voodoo that is so prevalent there? No, of course not, but is He happy with yours and my secret sins?
God's love has no strings, no hidden clauses and is for all.
So, let's pray with fervency and faith, that Haiti will not only recover, but also come to faith in Jesus.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

I had a tidy up of my study this morning. Quite shocked at the bits of paper with notes I don't even remember writing that I had accumulated. I know look at my nearly immaculate desk, everything in its proper place with all my bits and pieces to hand. Unfortunately in two or three weeks time it will be just as bad again.
Sometimes our christian life can be a bit like that; We read something in our Bible or a sermon reveals that parts of our life are messy, we repent and sort out the problem. Three weeks later and the mess is back! Do you remember the story Jesus told in Matthew 12:43-45 about unclean spirits leaving a man but then returning and making the situation even worse. The man was cleansed, but failed to fill the void with the things of God. So with us, When we repent of sin God forgives, however it is OUR responsibility to ask the Lord to come fill that void and be determined to walk in righteousness.
Now I must keep my study tidy!

Friday, 15 January 2010

The Apostle Paul said, "even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." This is written to those who follow Christ, and is a truth easily missed until you begin to 'feel your age.' For me these days are some of the most exciting of my christian life. Spiritually I think I'm in pretty good 'nick.' I enjoy my christian life as much as ever. I love the Church that I'm a part of and the people who attend. I'm sure you sense a 'but' and indeed there is one. The body is not what is once was, running up the escalator is a distant memory, the touch of arthritis in the knee, occasionally forgetting people's names and I could go on.
Here, friends is the great truth that the Apostle spoke of: Although our body does deteriorate, our inner man is day by day being energised by the Holy Spirit, and in Him we will never age. Bit dodgy on the outside, but brand new on the inside.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Money is the root of many evils wrote the Apostle Paul. In reality of course money is an inanimate object. It depends how you use it and your attitude to its importance in our individual lives. The somewhat self-righteous often say, "money means nothing to me." There stands a man or woman who clearly hasn't got a mortgage to pay or got children at home, nor in the case of a Christian wanting to bless their local Church. Of course money is important, however many are spending money they don't possess! Credit cards are great, providing you remember you have to pay back the money with interest if you don't clear the debt quickly.
Scripture tells us that believers "have the mind of Christ." In the consumerist society of our day may we live as we should.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

It's an obvious truth that none of us know what tomorrow will bring, however as a Christian I believe my future is in the hand of God. This of course presents a number of problems that us Christians don't always want to face. What do we say when a young believer dies suddenly of some terrible disease? David Brainerd was a missionary to what we used to call the 'Red Indians' in North America. He saw great spiritual revival, but died of tuberculosis in his 20s.
I would suggest that here is the heart of true faith in God and His providence. In Mark chapter 11 and verse 22 Jesus says to His disciples; " Have faith in God." A better literal meaning would be; "Have a faith which rests on God" We are not talking some kind of Christian 'fate' but a living, vital trust in the one who created us and can be trusted to keep us and finally take us 'home' to be with Him.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

You know, prayer, faith and answers are a strange trio. You pray and ask God for something, believe you will receive it and wow He answers in the affirmative. Now the strangest thing happens, fear raises it's ugly head. "Have I bitten off more than I can chew?" "Is God really going to do what I asked for?" It seems to me that God has a lot more grace than I have faith and that is clearly something to rejoice about.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Been to see the daughter I never had in hospital today, bless her!

I am amazed how poor real unity seems to be among church ministers these days. At a time when many churches are losing people there seems to be considerable complacency among those in full-time ministry. It seems to me that the laity are keen to fellowship with those of a different persuasion, unfortunately the 'clergy' are not quite so sure. Jesus 'high priestly' prayer of John chapter 17 is all about being "one." I pray that all of us may come to value the miracle of Divine Unity.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Great morning at Church, worship was inspiring. Preached on problems, solutions anf opportunities. I always go home hoping that it has been helpful for those who attended.
It's a funny thing that the older I get the more concerned I become about the things I share. There is so much more I want to do before They take me away! I am comforted by the knowledge that many people have done their best work in the latter time of their life. Einstein accomplished much as an old man, not that I'm an Einstein.

Time to start blogging

Pastor Norman Dix is planning to start blogging. So I thought I would set it up for him. If I have done my job correctly this should be the first entry on the blog. If Norm does his job correctly there should be many more entries after this in due time.

Looking forward to seeing your contributions Norm.
